This function returns a color from a color texture image or shader.

MAP (input):
This is the file path.
It must be for a valid texture file.

MODE (input):
This must be an interger. This specifies the texture mapping method:
0 = planar projection in XY, the default, 1 = planar projection in YZ,
2 = planar projection in XZ, 3 = planar projection in UV,
4 = cylindrical or spherical projection

REPU (input):
This must be an integer.  The default is 1.
This is the number of tiles in the U direction.

REPV (input):
This must be an integer.  The default is 1.
This is the number of tiles in the V direction.

ALTU (input):
This must be a boolean.  The default is miFALSE, no flipping.
If this flag is true, every other copy (tile) of the texture
will be flipped the U direction (horizontally). Butterflying.

ALTV (input):
This must be a boolean.  The default is miFALSE, no flipping.
If this flag is true, every other copy (tile) of the texture
will be flipped the V direction (vertically). Butterflying.

SWAP (input):
This must be a boolean.  The default is miFALSE, no swapping.
If this flag is true, the U and V coordinates are swapped
after transformation, but before tiling. The result is a
diagonal mirror.

MINU (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 0.0.
This is the minimum U value for cropping the map.

MAXU (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 1.0.
This is the maximum U value for cropping the map.

MINV (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 0.0.
This is the minimum V value for cropping the map.

MAXV (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 1.0.
This is the maximum V value for cropping the map.

UWRAP (input):
This must be a boolean.  The default is miFALSE, no wrapping.
If this flag is true, the texture will wrap in the U direction.

VWRAP (input):
This must be a boolean.  The default is miFALSE, no wrapping.
If this flag is true, the texture will wrap in the V direction.

XFORM (input):
This must be a matrix.  The default is the identity matrix.

UV (input):
This is the location in the texture for the lookup.
The default is state->tex.  The x coordinate holds U and y holds V.
Z is unused.

OUT (output):
Returned texture color.

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