This function returns a smoothed value between [0,1]
based on where the edge lies in [LO-FUZ,HI+FUZ].
LO  is the lowest value of the edge.
HI  is the greatest value of the edge.
FUZ is the width of the fuzzing.
EDG is the edge in need of fuzzing.

LO (input):
This must be a scalar.
This is the lowest value of the edge.

HI (input):
This must be a scalar.
This is the greatest value of the edge.

FUZ (input):
This must be a scalar.
This is the width of the fuzzing.

EDG (input):
This must be a scalar.
This is the edge in need of fuzzing.

OUT (output):
This function returns a smoothed value between [0,.25]
based on where the edge lies in [LO-FUZ,HI+FUZ].

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