genshade - The Genetic Shader Variation Engine



 GenShade is an interactive software application that enables artists to create a large variety of shaders for Pixar's RenderMan, and Side Effects' Houdini V4.0 photo-realistic rendering software. GenShade uses novel genetic algorithm techniques that are custom made for the shader generation, allowing artists a wide variety of choices and control tools.

Working with GenShade's intuitive interface, artists without any programming background or even understanding about the shader making process can create shaders.

GenShade automatically generates a large set of surface, displacement, light, or atmosphere shaders for evaluation based upon one or more shaders selected for genetic reproduction.

The shader generation process is efficient, robust, and fast producing many shader variations within a few minutes saving hours of experimenting to achieve a desired result. The software algorithms complexity is hidden behind an easy to use interface.

    At minimum, the user should have these settings in their environment.

        setenv GENSHADE_DIR /usr/local/genshade           # see your sysadmin
        set path = ( $GENSHADE_DIR/bin $path )

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Copyright (c) 1999 Genetic Graphics Inc. All Rights reserved.