This is the addition function.  The result is A + B + ....
A and B may be scalar, vectors, or colors.
The result will be a scalar if both A and B are scalars.
The result will be a vector if either A or B is a vector.
The result will be a color if either A or B is a color.
A type mis-match will result from the addition of vectors and colors.

A (input):
This input may be a scalar, vector, or color.
This is the value to be added.

B (vinput):
This input may be a scalar, vector, or color.
This is the value to be added.

OUT (output):
This is the addition function.  The result is A + B + ....
A and B may be scalar, vectors, or colors.
The result will be a scalar if both A and B are scalars.
The result will be a vector if either A or B is a vector.
The result will be a color if either A or B is a color.
A type mis-match will result from the addition of vectors and colors.

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