This function returns a scalar between [-PI,PI].
The sign of the inputs determines which quadrant the result will be.
Arctangent is the inverse of the tangent function.
atan2(b,a) = y/x if and only if tan(y/x) = b/a.

A (input):
This may be any real number. 
The sign of the inputs determines which quadrant the result will be.

B (input):
This may be any real number. This is the longitudinal angle.
The sign of the inputs determines which quadrant the result will be.

OUT (output):
This function returns a float between [-PI,PI].
The sign of the inputs determines which quadrant the result will be.
Arctangent is the inverse of the tangent function.
atan2(b,a) = y/x if and only if tan(y/x) = b/a.

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