THE BOX'S MAIN HELP: This function transforms the input vector, V from the "FROM" coordinate system and then through matrix M. The available coordinate systems are: "world", "camera", "object", "shader", "screen", "NDC" and "raster". FROM (input): The vector is transformed from this coordinate system. The default is "current". The available coordinate systems are: "world", "camera", "object", "shader", "screen", "NDC" and "raster". M (input): The vector is transformed through this matrix. The default is the identity matrix. V (input): The vector to be transformed. The default is the negative incidence vector, -I. OUT (output): This function transforms the input vector, V from the "FROM" coordinate system and then through matrix M. The available coordinate systems are: "world", "camera", "object", "shader", "screen", "NDC" and "raster". |
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