MaterialTex Box

picture of MR MaterialTex box

The MaterialTex box takes the TAG pointer from the soft_color_2D box and allows the user to control how the material will be affected by the map.

Here's a description of all of the input buttons for this box:

	TAG   is the tag for the texture map.
	SPACE selects the mapping space: 0 = planar (orthographic)
					 1 = spherical
					 2 = cylindrical
	MASK  selects the type of masking for color maps:
		0 = the texture alpha is ignored in blending
		1 = the texture is transparent where its alpha < 1
		2 = the texture is transparent where its intensity < 1
	COMP  selects whether scalar maps come from alpha or intensity.
	METH  selects the mapping projection: 0 = planar in XY
     					      1 = planar in YZ
     					      2 = planar in XZ
     					      3 = planar in UV
     					      4 = cylindrical or 
	BLEND is the amount of blending globally.
	AMB   is the amount of blending with the ambient surface color.
	DIFF  is the amount of blending with the diffuse surface color.
	SPEC  is the amount of blending with the specular color.
	TRNSP is the amount of blending in the transparency.
	RFL   is the amount of blending with the reflection color.
	BUMP  is the magnitude of normal perturbation for bump mapping.
	UUNIT is the amount of detail in the U direction.
	VUNIT is the amount of detail in the V direction.
	BW    use color or black and white? 
The output is TEX the Tex pointer from the Texture Shader for the soft_material box.