Textured Output shaders are still in development at this time

out_textured Box

picture of MR out_textured box

The out_textured box takes the TAG output from the soft_color_2D box.
It lets you control how the map will affect the image.

This is a description of the input buttons for this box:

	TAG  is the pointer to the map from the Texture Shader.
	GAIN is the amount the map affects the image.
	MASK TRUE  = use the map alpha for blending;
	     FALSE = use the map intensity for blending.
	GEL  is a color applied to the entire scene.
	X    is the horizontal location of the current pixel.
	Y    is the vertical location of the current pixel.
	C    is the original color of the current pixel.
The output (OUT) is the new color for the pixel.