This function returns a sandy pattern.
The return value will be scalar which lies in the range [0,1].
The higher the frequency, the finer the grain.
FX is the frequency for the the first seed.
FY is the frequency for the the second seed.
XX is the first seed for the noise function.
YY is the second seed for the noise function.

FX (input):
This must be a scalar. The default is 8.0.
This is the frequency for the the first seed.
The higher the frequency, the finer the grain.

FY (input):
This must be a scalar. The default is 8.0.
This is the frequency for the the second seed.
The higher the frequency, the finer the grain.

XX (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is state->tex_list[0].x.
This is the first seed for the noise function.

YY (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is state->tex_list[0].y.
This is the second seed for the noise function.

OUT (output):
This function returns a sandy pattern.
The return value will be scalar which lies in the range [0,1].
The higher the frequency, the finer the grain.

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