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This does a 2D texture lookup and various operations on that texture.
MAP   is the texture file.
MODE  is the texture mapping method.
REPU  # of repetitions in the U direction. (tiling)
REPV  # of repetitions in the V direction. (tiling)
ALTU  flip alternate tiles in U? (butterflying)
ALTV  flip alternate tiles in V? (butterflying)
UWRAP wrap the texture in the U direction?
VWRAP wrap the texture in the V direction?
SWAP  swap U and V coordinates?
MINU, MAXU, MINV, MAXV control cropping of the map. 
XFORM transforms the texture coordinates.


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This selects a predefined 3D texture.
TYPE is the type of texture.
SEQ  is the sequence number.
DIST is the distance between the marble layers or the wood grains.
ANG  is the angle of rotation on the texture.
AMP  is the amplitude of the noise in the texture.
POW  is the degree of the fractalizing within the noise.
DEG  controls the degree of the polynomial.
WT1, WT2, WT3 control the distribution of the 5 colors in the texture. 
C0, C1, C2, C3, C4 define the colors in the texture. 
# XFORM transforms the texture coordinates.


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This function generates single dimensional noise.
The return value is a scalar which lies in the range [0,1].


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This function generates two-dimensional noise.
The return value is a scalar which lies in the range [0,1].


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This function generates three-dimensional noise.
The return value will be a scalar which lies in the range [0,1].


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This function generates three-dimensional noise.
It returns a color whose rgb components lie in the range [0,1].


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This function generates three-dimensional noise.
It returns a vector whose components lie in the range [0,1].


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This function generates single dimensional noise.
A is the scalar seed for the noise function.
G will contain the gradient of the computed texture at A.
The return value is a scalar which lies in the range [0,1].


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This function generates two-dimensional noise.
U and V are the scalar seeds for the noise function.
GU and GV will contain the gradient of the computed texture at U,V.
The return value is a scalar which lies in the range [0,1].


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This function generates three-dimensional noise.
PP is the vector seed for the noise function.
GG is the vector for the gradient of the computed texture at PP.
The return value will be a scalar which lies in the range [0,1].


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This function generates signed single dimensional noise.
The return value will be a scalar which lies in the range [-1,1].


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This function generates signed two-dimensional noise.
U and V are scalar seeds to the noise function.
The return value will be a scalar which lies in the range [-1,1].


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This function generates signed three-dimensional noise.
The return value will be a scalar which lies in the range [-1,1].


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This function generates signed three-dimensional noise.
It returns a color whose rgb components lie in the range [-1,1].


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This function generates signed three-dimensional noise.
It returns a vector whose components lie in the range [-1,1].


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This function returns a sandy pattern.
The return value will be float which lies in the range [0,1].
The higher the frequency, the finer the grain.


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This function returns a sandy pattern.
The return value will be scalar which lies in the range [0,1].
The higher the frequency, the finer the grain.
FX is the frequency for the the first seed.
FY is the frequency for the the second seed.
XX is the first seed for the noise function.
YY is the second seed for the noise function.


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This function returns a sandy pattern.
The return value will be scalar which lies in the range [0,1].
The higher the frequency, the finer the grain.


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This function returns a sandy pattern.
It returns a color whose rgb components lie in the range [0,1].
The higher the frequency, the finer the grain.


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This function returns a sandy pattern.
It returns a vector whose components lie in the range [0,1].
The higher the frequency, the finer the grain.


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This function returns a Very Large Noise pattern.
PP must be a vector, this is the seed to the noise function.
FQ controls the frequency of the noise.


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This function returns a brick pattern.
U   controls the direction of the width of the bricks.
V   controls the direction of the height of the bricks.
BW  is the width of the bricks.
BH  is the height of the bricks.
MW  is the width of the mortar.


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This function generates a checkered pattern.


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This function generates a diagonal pattern.


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This function returns a dotted pattern.


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This function returns a roughed up pattern.
The return value is a float.
PP is a varying point which is the seed to the noise function.
DIR controls the direction of the pits.
FQ  controls the frequency of the pits.
PIT controls the size of the pits.
DEP controls the depth of the pits.


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This function returns a roughed up pattern.
The return value is a color.
PP is a varying which is the seed to the noise function.
DIR controls the direction of the pits.
FQ  controls the frequency of the pits.
PIT controls the size of the pits.
DEP controls the depth of the pits.


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This function returns a roughed up vector.
PP is a varying vector which is the seed to the noise function.
DIR controls the direction of the pits.
FQ  controls the frequency of the pits.
PIT controls the size of the pits.
DEP controls the depth of the pits.


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This function generates a screening pattern.
FU controls the number of the wires horizontally.
FV controls the number of the wires vertically.
U controls the direction of the horizontal wires.
V controls the direction of the vertical wires.
WID controls the width of the screening.
FUZ is the antialiasing filter width.


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This function returns a spattered pattern.
DIA is the diameter of the smallest spatter.
NUM is the number of different sizes of spatters.
ATT controls the sharpness or attenuation of the edge of the spatters.


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This function returns a speckled pattern.
FQ is the frequency or density of the speckles.
NUM is the number of different shades of speckles.
ATT controls the sharpness or attenuation of the edge of the speckles.


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This function generates a striped pattern.


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This function returns a beaten pattern.
PP  is the seed to the turbulence function.
INC controls the variance in the turbulence function.
FQ  controls the frequency or density of the pattern.
OCT controls the number of octaves in the turbulence.


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This function returns a pattern which resembles the brushstokes in paint.
PP is the seed to the turbulence function.
DIR is the axis the brushstrokes run along.
FQ controls the frequency of brushstokes.
LEN controls the length of the brushstokes.
OCT is the number of interations through the turbulence function.


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This function returned an cloudy pattern.
PP   is the seed to the turbulence function.
HGT  controls the thickness of the clouds.
FREQ controls the frequency of the clouds.
OCT  controls the amount of turbulence in the clouds.


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This function returned an dented pattern.
PP is the seed to the turbulence function.
HGT controls the height of the dents.
FQ  controls the frequency of the dents.
OCT controls the amount of turbulence in the dents.


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This function returns a feathery pattern which range over [-1,1].
PP  is the seed to the turbulence function.
FQ  controls the frequency of the feathers.
OCT controls the amount of turbulence in the feathers.


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This function simulates flames.
PP  is the seed for the turbulence.
FRM is the current frame used for animation.
SPD is the speed of the animation.
SCL controls the scaling on the flames.
OFF controls the offset on the flames.
FQ  controls the frequency of turbulence in the flames.
OCT controls the amount of turbulence in the flames.
HGT controls the height of the flames.
AMP controls the amplitude of the turbulence.


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This function returned an fluffy pattern.
PP is the seed to the turbulence function.
FQ controls the frequency of the pattern.
OCT controls the amount of turbulence in the pattern.


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This function returns a granite pattern.
PP is the seed for the turbulence function.
FQ controls the frequency or density of the grain.
OCT controls the amount of the turbulence.


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This function returned a marbled pattern.
PP  is the seed for the turbulence function.
FQ  controls the frequency of the marbling.
SHF shifts the contrast in the turbulence function.
OCT is the number of interations through the turbulence function.


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This function returns a mottled pattern.
PP is the seed for the turbulence function.
FQ controls the amount of mottling.
OCT controls the number of interations through the turbulence function.


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This function returns a puddling pattern.
PP  is the seed to the noise function.
FQ  controls the frequency of the pattern.
OCT controls the amount of turbulence in the pattern.


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This function returned an puffy pattern.
PP is the seed for the turbulence function.
FQ  controls the frequency of the puffs.
OCT controls the amount of turbulence in the puffs.


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This function generates a fractal pattern which looks like rust.
PP is the seed for the turbulence function.
FQ  controls the frequency of the pattern.
OCT controls the amount of turbulence in the pattern.


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This function returns a streaked pattern.
PP is the seed to the turbulence function.
DIR controls the direction of the streaks.
FQ  controls the frequency of the streaks.
LEN controls the length of the streaks.
MAG controls the magnitude of the streaks.


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This function returned a very fine wispy pattern.
X and Y control the direction of the pattern.
ANG is the increment for the turbulence.
OCT controls the amount of turbulence in the pattern.
DEN controls the density in the pattern.


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This function returned an wispy pattern.
X and Y control the direction of the pattern.
ANG is the increment for the turbulence.
OCT controls the amount of turbulence in the pattern.
DEN controls the density in the pattern.


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This function returned a woodgrain pattern.
PP  is the seed to the turbulence function.
NUM controls the number of rings.
FQ  controls the frequency of the turbulence in the rings.
OCT controls the amount of turbulence in the rings.
SWL controls the amount of swirl in the rings.


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This function returns a vertical gradient.
V controls the direction.
SCL  scales the rate of the gradient.
OFF offsets the gradient.
FROM is the starting color.
TO is the ending color.


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This function returns a horizonal gradient.
U controls the direction.
SCL  scales the rate of the gradient.
OFF offsets the gradient.
FROM is the starting color.
TO is the ending color.


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This function returns a radial gradient.
U controls the "around".
SS  scales the rate of the gradient around.
SOF offsets the gradient around.
V controls "across" the gradient.
TS  scales the rate of the gradient across.
TOF offsets the gradient across.
FROM is the starting color.
TO is the ending color.


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This function generates a glow, 
which falls off at the edges of the object.


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This returns randomly colored stripes.


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This returns pinpoints.
PP is the seed for the noise.
FQ controls the number of stars.
THR is a threshold value, the closer to 1, the more stars.


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This returns a twisted turbulence pattern which resembles venus.
PP  is the seed for the noise.
OFF offsets the pattern.
SCL scales the contrast in the pattern.
ROT controls the amount of rotation in the pattern.
FQ  controls the amount of turbulence in the pattern.
OCT is the number of octaves for the turbulence function.


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This function generates a rippling pattern.


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This function generates a sawtooth wave pattern.
U   controls the direction of the waves.
NUM controls the number of waves.
HGT controls the height of the waves.


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This function generates a sqaurewave pattern.
U   controls the direction of the waves.
FQ  controls the number of waves.
HGT controls the height of the waves.
WID controls the width of the crest.


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This function generates a triangle wave pattern.
U   controls the direction of the waves.
NUM controls the number of waves.
HGT controls the height of the waves.


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This function returned an ripply pattern.
PP is the surface point.
FQ  controls the amount of ripple in the pattern.
STR controls the amount of stretch in the pattern.
INT controls the intensity of the pattern.


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This returns a furry pattern.
LEN controls the length of the fur.
THK controls the thickness of the fur.
U and V control the direction of the fur.


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This function returns a leather pattern.
PP is the seed to the turbulence function.
HGT controls the height of the bumps.
BMP controls the frequency of the bumps.
GRN controls the grain in the bumps.
OCT controls the amount of turbulence in the bumps.
CRK controls the frequency of cracks in the pattern.
DEN controls the amount of turbulence in the cracks.


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This function returns a lizard skin pattern.
FU controls the frequency of the pattern horizontally.
FV controls the frequency of the pattern vertically.
U controls the horizonal direction of the pattern.
V controls the vertical direction of the pattern.


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This function returns a skin pattern.
FU controls the frequency of the pattern horizontally.
FV controls the frequency of the pattern vertically.
U controls the horizonal direction of the pattern.
V controls the vertical direction of the pattern.


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This function returns a snaky pattern.

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