This shader simulates a rainy atmosphere.
FRM runs the animation.
SPD controls the speed of the animation.
DIR controls the direction of the rain.
FQ  controls the frequency of the drops.
LEN controls the length of the drops.
THK controls the thickness of the drops.
DST is the distance from the camera the rain starts.
RN  is the color of the rain.
OP  is the opacity of the rain.

FRM (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 1.0.
This is the current frame number.  It runs the animation.

SPD (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.1.
This controls the speed of the animation.

DIR (input):
This string chooses the axis x, y or z for the direction of the rain.
The default is the y axis.

FQ (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 90.
This controls the frequency of the drops.

LEN (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 40.
This controls the length of the drops.

THK (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.5.
This controls the thickness of the drops.

DST (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 1.0.
This is the distance from the camera the rain starts.

RN (input):
This must be a color.  The default is WHITE.
This is the color of the rain.

OP (input):
This must be a color.  The default is WHITE.
This is the rain opacity.

OI (output):
This is the rain opacity.

CI (output):
This shader simulates a rainy atmosphere.

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